North Carolina Insurance Underwriting Association (NCIUA) is one of the first organizations in the nation to offer grants to eligible policyholders in beach communities to help better protect their homes against hurricanes. Through our Strengthen Your Roof pilot program, eligible policyholders can apply for a grant of up to $10,000 toward the installation of an IBHS FORTIFIED Roof™.
IBHS created FORTIFIED Roof™ to help homeowners keep their roof on and water out during high winds, hurricanes, and severe storms.
Participating Contractors are insured and experienced in IBHS construction and understand NCIUA's Grant Program.
"I was proactive in protecting my house because of the grant from NCIUA. I was so glad to have installed the roof ahead of hurricane season."
"My roof was excellent. The yard had lots of shingles in it, but they weren’t mine! Thanks for the grant."
"I felt more secure during the hurricane knowing I had a new roof; I couldn't have been happier. I have told everybody to be proactive, and this grant pushed me to do that."
"The FORTIFIED Roof is like preventative health care to mitigate future issues."
"The one thing I wasn’t worried about was the roof! This was an awesome program."
"Some shingles came off my roof, but my neighbor is missing his roof."